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A process evaluation of a school-based adolescent sexual health intervention in rural Tanzania: the MEMA kwa Vijana programme.

Plummer ML, Wight D, Obasi AI, Wamoyi J, Mshana G, Todd J, Mazige BC, Makokha M, Hayes RJ, Ross DA.
Health Educ Res. 2007 Aug;22(4):500-12. Epub 2006 Oct 3.
PMID: 17018767
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Biological and behavioural impact of an adolescent sexual health intervention in Tanzania: a community-randomized trial.

Ross DA, Changalucha J, Obasi AIN, Todd J, Plummer ML, Cleophas-Mazige B, Anemona A, Everett D, Weiss HA, Mabey DC, Grosskurth H, Hayes RJ.
AIDS 2007; 21: 1943-1955.
PMID: 17721102
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Microbicides development program, Tanzania-baseline characteristics of an occupational cohort and reattendance at 3 months.

Vallely A, Kasindi S, Hambleton IR, Knight L, Chirwa T, Balira R, Changalucha J, Watson-Jones D, Everett D, Gavyole A, Moyes J, Pujades-Rodríguez M, Ross DA, Hayes RJ.
Sex Transm Dis. 2007 Sep;34(9):638-43.
PMID: 17717482
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Adverse birth outcomes in United Republic of Tanzania: impact and prevention of maternal risk factors.

Watson-Jones D, Weiss HA, Changalucha JM, Todd J, Gumodoka B, Bulmer J, Balira R, Ross D, Mugeye K, Hayes R, Mabey D.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2007; 85: 9-18.
PMID: 17242753
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Prospective, multi-centre clinic-based evaluation of four rapid diagnostic tests for syphilis.

Mabey D, Peeling RW, Ballard R, Benzaken AS, Galbán E, Changalucha J, Everett D, Balira R, Fitzgerald D, Joseph P, Nerette S, Li J, Zheng HY.
Sexually Transmitted Infections 2006; 82 (Suppl v): v13-v16
PMID: 17215274
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The MEMA kwa Vijana project: design of a community randomised trial of an innovative adolescent sexual health intervention in rural Tanzania.

Hayes RJ, Changalucha J, Ross DA, Gavyole A, Todd J, Obasi AI, Plummer ML, Wight D, Mabey DC, Grosskurth H.
Contemp Clin Trials. 2005 Aug;26(4):430-42.
PMID: 15951245

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A typology of groups at risk of HIV/STI in a gold mining town in north-western Tanzania.

Desmond N, Allen CF, Clift S, Justine B, Mzugu J, Plummer ML, Watson-Jones D, Ross DA.
Soc Sci Med. 2005 Apr;60(8):1739-49.
PMID: 15686806
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Intravaginal and menstrual practices among women working in food and recreational facilities in Mwanza, Tanzania: implications for microbicide trials.

Allen CF, Desmond N, Chiduo B, Medard L, Lees SS, Vallely A, Francis SC, Ross DA, Hayes RJ.
AIDS Behav. 2010 Oct;14(5):1169-81.
PMID: 20665101
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