Comparing one dose of HPV vaccine in girls aged 9-14 years in Tanzania (DoRIS) with one dose of HPV vaccine in historical cohorts: an immunobridging analysis of a randomised controlled trial.
Baisley K, Kemp TJ, Kreimer AR, Basu P, Changalucha J, Hildesheim A, Porras C, Whitworth H, Herrero R, Lacey CJ, Schiller JT, Lucas E, Mutani P, Dillner J, Indangasi J, Muwonge R, Hayes RJ, Pinto LA, Watson-Jones D.
Lancet Glob Health. 2022 Oct; 10(10):e1485-e1493.
DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(22)00306-0.
PMID: 36113532.