All Publications
A MAP toward increased rates of blood pressure control?
A MAP toward increased rates of blood pressure control?
Peck RN.
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2018; 20:215-216.
- Published in 2018, Publication
Hypertension in HIV-Infected Adults: Novel Pathophysiologic Mechanisms.
Hypertension in HIV-Infected Adults: Novel Pathophysiologic Mechanisms.
Fahme SA, Bloomfield GS, Peck R.
Hypertension 2018; 72:44-55.
PMCID: PMC6002926
- Published in 2018, Publication
Depression screening in HIV-positive Tanzanian adults
Nolan CP, O’Donnell PJM, Desderius BM, Mzombwe M, McNairy ML, Peck RN, Kingery JR.
Glob Ment Health (Camb) 2018; 5:e38.
- Published in 2018, Publication
Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis among women in sub-Saharan Africa
Torrone EA, Morrison CS, Chen PL, Kwok C, Francis SC, Hayes RJ, Looker KJ, McCormack S, McGrath N, van de Wijgert JHHM, Watson-Jones D, Low N, Gottlieb SL; STIMA Working Group.
PLoS Med 2018;15:e1002511.
- Published in 2018, Publication
Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of a Demand Creation Intervention to Increase Uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Tanzania
Torres-Rueda S, Wambura M, Weiss HA, Plotkin M, Kripke K, Chilongani J, Mahler H, Kuringe E, Makokha M, Hellar A, Schutte C, Kazaura KJ, Simbeye D, Mshana G, Larke N, Lija G, Changalucha J, Vassall A, Hayes R, Grund JM, Terris-Prestholt F.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2018;78:291-299.
- Published in 2018, Publication
Social space and alcohol use initiation among youth in northern Tanzania.
Social space and alcohol use initiation among youth in northern Tanzania.
Osaki H, Mshana G, Mbata D, Kapiga S, Changalucha J.
Plos One 2018;13:e0202200.
- Published in 2018, Publication
The impact of a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination campaign on routine primary health service provision and health workers in Tanzania
Gallagher KE, Erio T, Baisley K, Lees S, Watson-Jones D.
BMC Health Serv Res 2018;18:173.
- Published in 2018, Publication
Status of HPV vaccine introduction and barriers to country uptake.
Status of HPV vaccine introduction and barriers to country uptake.
Gallagher KE, LaMontagne DS, Watson-Jones D.
Vaccine 2018;36(32 Pt A):4761-7.
- Published in 2018, Publication
Vaccine programme stakeholder perspectives on a hypothetical single-dose human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine schedule
Gallagher KE, Kelly H, Cocks N, Dixon S, Mounier-Jack S, Howard N, Watson-Jones D.
Papillomavirus Res 2018;6:33-40.
- Published in 2018, Publication
The validity of an area-based method to estimate the size of hard-to-reach populations using satellite images
Nash S, Tittle V, Abaasa A, Sanya R, Hansen C, Grosskurth H, Kapiga S, Grundy C on behalf of the Lake Victoria Consortium for Health Research.
Emerg Themes Epidemiol 2018;15:11.
- Published in 2018, Publication