All Publications
The health system burden of chronic disease care
Settumba S, Sweeney S, Seeley J, Biraro S, Mutungi G, Munderi P, Grosskurth H, Vassall A.
Trop Med Int Health 2015; 20:781-90.
- Published in 2015, Publication
Readiness of Ugandan Health Services for the Management of Outpatients with Chronic Diseases.
Readiness of Ugandan Health Services for the Management of Outpatients with Chronic Diseases.
Katende D, Mutungi G, Baisley K, Biraro S, Ikoona E, Peck R , Smeeth L, Hayes R, Munderi P, Grosskurth H.
Trop Med Int Health 2015; 20:1385-95.
- Published in 2015, Publication
How long-distance truck drivers and villagers in rural southeastern Tanzania think about heterosexual anal sex: a qualitative study.
Mtenga S, Shamba D, Wamoyi J, Kakoko D, Haafkens J, Mongi A, Kapiga S, Geubbels E.
Sex Transm Infect 2015;91:576-80.
- Published in 2015, Publication
The need for further integration of services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in Mwanza City, Tanzania.
Balira R, Mabey D, Weiss H, Ross DA, Changalucha J, Watson-Jones D.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2015;130(Suppl 1):S51-7.
- Published in 2015, Publication
High prevalence of hypertension and of risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
Kavishe B, Biraro S, Baisley K, Vanobberghen F, Kapiga S, Munderi P, Smeeth L, Peck R, Mghamba J, Mutungi G, Ikoona E, Levin J, Assumpcia Bo MonPlus M, Katende D, Kisanga E, Hayes R, Grosskurth H.
BMC Med 2015;13:126.
- Published in 2015, Publication
The Incidence of Human Papillomavirus in Tanzanian Adolescent Girls Before Reported Sexual Debut.
The Incidence of Human Papillomavirus in Tanzanian Adolescent Girls Before Reported Sexual Debut.
Houlihan CF, Baisley K, Bravo IG, Kapiga S, de Sanjosé S, Changalucha J, Ross DA, Hayes RJ, Watson-Jones D.
J Adolesc Health. 2015. 58:295-301.
- Published in 2015, Publication
Epidemiology of Drug Use and HIV-related Risk Behaviors among People who Inject Drugs in Mwanza, Tanzania.
Tan AX, Kapiga S, Khoshnood K, Bruce RD.
PLoS One 2015;10:e0145578.
- Published in 2015, Publication
Effect of condom use on per-act HSV-2 transmission risk in HIV-1, HSV-2-discordant couples.
Effect of condom use on per-act HSV-2 transmission risk in HIV-1, HSV-2-discordant couples.
Magaret AS, Mujugira A, Hughes JP, Lingappa J, Bukusi EA, DeBruyn, Delany-Moretlwe S, Fife KH, Gray GE, Kapiga S, Karita E, Mugo NR, Rees H, Ronald A, Vwalika B, Were E, Celum C, Wald A.
Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2015. 62:456-61.
- Published in 2015, Publication
Public Perceptions of Terminologies, Aetiologies, Symptoms and Preferred Management.
Public Perceptions of Terminologies, Aetiologies, Symptoms and Preferred Management.
Nnko S, Bukenya D, Kavishe BB, Biraro S, Peck R, Kapiga S, Grosskurth H, Seeley J. Chronic Diseases in North-West Tanzania and Southern Uganda.
PLoS One 2015; 10:e0142194.
PMCID: PMC6377531
- Published in 2015, Publication
Validation of the MINI (DSM IV) Tool for the Assessment of Alcohol Dependence among Young People
Francis JM, Helander A, Kapiga SH, Weiss HA, Grosskurth H.
Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015; 12:14021-33.
- Published in 2015, Publication