All Publications
Factors associated with problem drinking among women employed in food and recreational facilities in northern Tanzania.
Mongi AS, Baisley K, Ao TT, Chilongani J, Aguirre-Andreasen A, Francis SC, Shao J, Hayes R, Kapiga S. PLoS One 2013;8:e84447.
PMID: 24391956
PMCID: PMC3877296
- Published in 2013, Publication
Deciphering the complex distribution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype among different cohorts in northern Tanzania.
Njai HF, Ewings FM, Lyimo E, Foulongne V, Ngerageza D, Mongi A, Ssemwanga D, Andreasen A, nyombi B, Ao T, Michael D, Urassa M, Todd J, Zaba B, Changalucha J, Hayes R, Kapiga SH. PLoS One 2013;8:e81848.
PMID: 24349139
PMCID: PMC3859540
- Published in 2013, Publication
HIV infection among young people in northwest Tanzania: The role of biological, behavioral and socio-demographic risk factors.
Lemme F, Doyle AM, Changalucha J, Andreasen A, Baisley K, Maganja K, Watson-Jones D, Kapiga S, Hayes RJ, Ross DA. PLoS One 2013;8:e66287.
PMID: 23805209
PMCID: PMC3689734
- Published in 2013, Publication
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine implementation in low and middle-income countries
Wigle, J, Coast E, Watson-Jones D.
Vaccine. 20; 31: 3811–3817
- Published in 2013, Publication
The epidemiology of HIV and HSV-2 infections among women participating in microbicide and vaccine feasibility studies in northern Tanzania.
Kapiga SH, Ewings FM, Ao T, Chilongani J, Mongi A, Baisley K, Francis S, Andreasen A, Hashim R, Watson-Jones D, Changalucha J, Hayes RPLoS One 2013;8:e68825.
PMID: 23874780
PMCID: PMC3715536
- Published in 2013, Publication
Risk factors for unplanned pregnancy among young women in Tanzania.
Risk factors for unplanned pregnancy among young women in Tanzania.
Calvert C, Baisley K, Doyle AM, Maganja K, Changalucha J, Watson-Jones D, Hayes RJ, Ross DA.
2013; 39: e2.
- Published in 2013, Publication
Risk factors for unplanned pregnancy among young women in Tanzania
Risk factors for unplanned pregnancy among young women in Tanzania.
Calvert C, Baisley K, Doyle AM, Maganja K, Changalucha J, Watson-Jones D, Hayes RJ, Ross DA.
2013; 39: e2.
- Published in 2013, Publication
Summary measures of adherence using pill counts in two HIV prevention trials
Baisley K, Baeten JM, Hughes JP, Donnell DJ, Wang J, Hayes R, Watson-Jones D, Celum C. 2013; 17: 3108–3119.
- Published in 2013, Publication
Vaginal practices among women at high risk of HIV infection in Uganda and Tanzania: recorded behaviour from a daily pictorial diary
Francis S, Baisley K, Lees S, Andrew B, Zalwango F, Seeley J, Vandepitte J, Ao T, van de Wijgert J, Watson-Jones D, Kapiga S, Grosskurth H, Hayes RJ. PLoS One 2013;8(3):e59085.
PMID: 23555618
PMCID: PMC3608607
- Published in 2013, Publication
High Prevalence and Incidence of Human Papillomavirus in a Cohort of Healthy Young African Females
High Prevalence and Incidence of Human Papillomavirus in a Cohort of Healthy Young African Females.
Watson-Jones D, Baisley K, Brown J, Kavishe B, Andreasen A, Changalucha J, Mayaud P, Kapiga S, Gumodoka B, Hayes R, de Sanjosé S.
Sex Transm Infect 2013; 89:358-65.
PMID: 23486859
PMCID: PMC3717757
- Published in 2013, Publication