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Do behavioural differences help to explain variations in HIV prevalence in adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa?

Chapman R, White RG, Shafer LA, Pettifor A, Mugurungi O, Ross D, Pascoe S, Cowan FM, Grosskurth H, Buve A, HAYES RJ.
Tropical Medicine and International Health 2010; 15: 554-566.
PMID: 20345559
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HIV prevention–where now? Background and introduction.

Kapiga S, Hayes R, Buvé A.
AIDS. 2010 Oct;24 Suppl 4:S1-3. No abstract available.
PMID: 21042048
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Can population differences explain the contrasting results of the Mwanza, Rakai, and Masaka HIV/sexually transmitted disease intervention trials?: A modeling study.
White RG, Orroth KK, Korenromp EL, Bakker R, Wambura M, Sewankambo NK, Gray RH, Kamali A, Whitworth JA, Grosskurth H, Habbema JD, Hayes RJ.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2004 Dec 1;37(4):1500-13.
PMID: 15602129
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Higher risk behaviour and rates of sexually transmitted diseases in Mwanza compared to Uganda may help explain HIV prevention trial outcomes.
Orroth KK, Korenromp EL, White RG, Gavyole A, Gray RH, Muhangi L, Sewankambo NK, Quigley M, Wawer MJ, Whitworth JA, Grosskurth H, Habbema JD, Hayes RJ.
AIDS. 2003 Dec 5;17(18):2653-60.
PMID: 14685060
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Is antenatal syphilis screening still cost effective in sub-Saharan Africa.
Terris-Prestholt F, Watson-Jones D, Mugeye K, Kumaranayake L, Ndeki L, Weiss H, Changalucha J, Todd J, Lisekie F, Gumodoka B, Mabey D, Hayes R.
Sex Transm Infect. 2003 Oct;79(5):375-81.
PMID: 14573832
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Variations of HIV and STI prevalences within communities neighbouring new goldmines in Tanzania: importance for intervention design.
Clift S, Anemona A, Watson-Jones D, Kanga Z, Ndeki L, Changalucha J, Gavyole A, Ross DA.
Sex Transm Infect. 2003 Aug;79(4):307-12.
PMID: 12902582
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Geographical variations in the prevalence of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in rural Tanzania.
Jansen HA, Morison L, Mosha F, Changalucha J, Todd J, Obasi A, Rusizoka M, Mayaud P, Munguti K, Mabey D, Grosskurth H, Hayes R.
Int J STD AIDS. 2003 Apr;14(4):274-80.
PMID: 12716499
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