News and Events

NIMR/MITU vaccine trials findings contribute to policy change that leads to groundbreaking success in single dose HPV vaccination in Tanzania

Antibiotic can help prevent common sexually transmitted infections

MITU trainee wins best paper award at the 5th International Conference on Statistics (ICSTA)

MITU study contributes to emerging evidence of the effectiveness of one dose HPV vaccine
09 January 2023 in News
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Applications for 2023 Mwanza Research Methods Course are now open.

MITU launches a new human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine trial among boys in Tanzania

Applications for 2022 Mwanza Fogarty Research Training Program are now open.

Collaboration with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich in Germany

MITU is carrying out research with young men to understand intimate partner violence in Mwanza city.

MITU begins to conduct a survey to evaluate a reproductive health programme among girls in Mwanza city

First Meeting of the Task Force on COVID-19 Vaccines, Therapeutics and Diagnostics for Developing Countries